
My mom did not want me and left me : Christie

”financial burden my mom created had left my dad with nothing”


Where are you from, and how would you describe your life growing up? 

I am from North Battleford, Saskatchewan. I would describe my life as one who always worked hard for everything. At age 14 my parents divorced. My mom did not want me and left me with no choice on where to go. If my dad did not take me in despite his addiction to alcohol, I would have been in a foster home. My dad took me in when i was 15, and I quit school to take on a full time job to support me and my dad. My dad cleaned himself up for the sake of having me home, but the financial burden my mom created had left my dad with nothing.  My dad and I utilized the food bank, and other social assistance to help us more. We are both thankful for all of those services to help get us through. My grandpa was also a big part in my upbringing. He also made sure we never went without and showed me was a good person is. He is the kindest and most loving person anyone could meet. I was raised with old school and traditional ways being a girl from a farm family. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

How did you find your way in front of a camera, modeling?

When a local photographer Deanna Brown asked me to fill in for a model who was unable to make her photoshoot.

What do you like best about being a model ?

Being able to be a new/different version of myself. The confidence you gain with each session is truly incredible.

Besides modeling what is the most important thing in your life?  Do you have any unusual talents?

The most important thing in my life is my family. My family is a huge part of my life and it wouldn’t be the same without each person in it. One of my unusual talents is I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue. I believe my record was 18 cherry stems consecutively. I can also bowl amazing on Wii Ninteno bowling, but terrible when its real bowling.

We all need support in life.  Where do you get your support?  What or who inspires you? 

I get my support from my dad, grandpa and husband, also the strong women in my life. They inspire me to be the best version I can be.

What do you think is the most challenging thing about modeling and what advice would you give to new models?

The most challenging thing is people that you knew before becoming a model that make comments towards you that this has somehow changed our relationship. I am still the same person I was before modeling. I love all of the people in my life from all walks of life and they will always be a big center of it.

What is your favorite way to relax?  What do you do for fun?

I love taking my dogs for walks and drinking a nice hot cup of tea! I love having company over and having some laughs over a few drinks or going to my family farm.

You look amazing.  What do you recommend for those wanting to keep in shape?

I love to eat junk food, and I like to have a few drinks. It is all done in moderation. Eat your take out, just don’t eat it 4 times a week.

What would you consider your strongest attribute?  What do people compliment you most on?

My sexiest attribute is my confidence. The majority compliments are about my eyes or my smile.

Anything about your heritage, ethnicity, or nationality that you feel people would like to know?

I am English, Ukrainian, German and French

Please share something about yourself that may surprise others.  What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?

I drove 6.5 hours to meet a man I never knew, to present day being together for 11 years.

What are your dreams and goals and ambitions?

To hopefully one day be the one who takes over my family farm, and to be a psychologist. 

If you were in a magical machine that could transport you to any place and time imaginable, where would you love to be?  Why?

To see my family in their younger days on the farm. I would love to see how my family developed over the decades.

Please share a guilty pleasure with us.  Your naughtiest fantasy?

I’m a sucker for 90 day fiancée.  Well I am married so that is something that stays between me and the Mr. 

What’s one thing about yourself that everyone should know? 

I have scoliosis, which is a curvature of the spinal cord. I had a spinal fusion done when I was 11 years old where I have 2 rods in my back to realign my spine. I have no movement in my back between my shoulders and hips. Posing in certain positions is very difficult, or the pose is not attainable.

Do you have any favorite quotes that you would like to share?

“ When life gives you lemons, mix them in your drink”

“ Id rather be someone’s shot of whiskey than everyone’s cup of tea”

“ What is your mark on this world going to be when you leave it?” 

What does being published in this Modelz View magazine mean to you?

This will be my second publishing. I am incredibly honored to be apart of another part of your magazine. It may not mean much to you, but it does to me. It is such an incredible opportunity to have, and i appreciate everything about the entire experience. 

Photography : Deanna Brown Art & Photography


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Written by Modelz View Staff

An international magazine where glamour unfolds,and New models get discovered every month.Your First choice for new models.Modelz View ( is a Digital modeling magazine designed to appeal to models n fashion industry everywhere.Its viewership spreads around the globe making it a truly international publication. Modelz View brings its readers not only models from the world,but also makeup artists,fashion designers,photographers and information on the leading modeling trendz,music,movies,gaming around the world. Digital is the way of the future and Modelz View Magazine is on the front line to proving that.

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